Backlight update 1.2.2 is now available for download.
This update puts a coat of polish on the recent 1.2 “Pangolin” release, bring fixes and changes based on user feedback, and myriad new customization options.
Backlight update 1.2.2 is now available for download.
This update puts a coat of polish on the recent 1.2 “Pangolin” release, bring fixes and changes based on user feedback, and myriad new customization options.
Backlight 1.2, the latest update to our website creation and publishing suite for photographers, is now available. Version 1.2 is a free update for existing Backlight customers. It’s the largest free update we have ever released, and follows on the heels of Backlight’s first anniversary, and The Turning Gate’s decennial. It’s a fitting release to […]
Backlight 1.1.1, Theater Add-on 1.0.4 and Wordpress Add-on 1.0.2 updates are now available.
BACKLIGHT 1.1 is now available! This is a milestone release for Backlight, effecting the vast majority of changes and improvements having accumulated in our to-do list these past months. To acquire the update, look for update notifications to arrive via email; these messages will include download links. Else, you may recover your downloads here. Leading […]
Backlight’s WordPress Add-on is now available at version 1.0.1. This update includes some general stability and plugin compatibility improvements, and is recommended for all users. Adds Next/Previous Posts links to single-post pages. Changes Fotomoto implementation to use Backlight’s scripting only when the Fotomoto WordPress widget is not activated. Changes jQuery version to WordPress default. Fixes […]