Updates: Cart and Client Response add-ons

Updates are now available for the Cart and Client Response add-ons for Backlight. Pardon the technical descriptions in the changelogs, but the human version is that these updates should fix errors that some customers were seeing with certain host configurations, making the add-ons more reliable and stable overall. Cart Add-on 8.1.5 Adds sanitization of referring […]

Update: Backlight 5.4.1

Backlight 5.4.1 is now available, featuring improvements to masonry-type layouts, and capability to block AI bots using the robots.txt file.

The problem with Filmist 2 no one is talking about …

In late November, Gavin Seim released the Filmist 2 preset pack over at Seim Effects. I was busy at the time, so didn’t clock the release until mid-December or thereabouts. If you’ve spent any time on this blog, or seen my newsletters, you likely know how much I like the original Filmist presets. They’re great, and so I was excited about this new upgrade. And we were preparing to leave on a trip to Barcelona for the year’s end, so I thought, “Hey, this is great! I’ll come back from Barcelona with a heap of fresh images I can use to review the new Filmist presets!”

But oh, what a fool am I!

Let me be blunt. Filmist 2 has a major problem.