Backlight 1.2 Preview

The blog has been quiet these last few months, while we’ve busied ourselves working on our next big update, Backlight 1.2. While we’re not yet ready for release, we are far enough along now that I can begin to preview some of what we’re working on. When we speak of “Backlight 1.2”, we are being […]

At last, having seen the light …

We often arrive at simple solutions by complex routes. Backlight 1.1.0 now lies on the horizon, a major project milestone that we are rapidly approaching. It’s taken us a long while to reach this point, and along the way, I have made many atrocious, overly complicated attempts at designing a logomark for Backlight. To date, my many failures have left us using only a simple logotype.

Using Magnific Popup in Backlight

In Backlight 1.0.3, we added Magnific Popup to the standard page framework and promised you a tutorial. Here it is! If you implement this in an interesting way, let us know in the comments or forum. Tutorial: Magnific Popups in Backlight