The problem with Filmist 2 no one is talking about …

In late November, Gavin Seim released the Filmist 2 preset pack over at Seim Effects. I was busy at the time, so didn’t clock the release until mid-December or thereabouts. If you’ve spent any time on this blog, or seen my newsletters, you likely know how much I like the original Filmist presets. They’re great, and so I was excited about this new upgrade. And we were preparing to leave on a trip to Barcelona for the year’s end, so I thought, “Hey, this is great! I’ll come back from Barcelona with a heap of fresh images I can use to review the new Filmist presets!”

But oh, what a fool am I!

Let me be blunt. Filmist 2 has a major problem.

I tried Glaze, so you don’t have to.

I found it on ARTNews, New Data ‘Poisoning’ Tool Enables Artists To Fight Back Against Image Generating AI. I had to start it somewhere, so it started there. The story talks about a tool, … … called Nightshade, that enables artists to add invisible pixels to their art prior to being uploaded online. These data […]

Writing Essays in Kookaburra

I’ve been wanting to make this video for a long time, but my editing suite pooped out on me, and I first had to find time to learn the basics of Final Cut Pro. This past week, I’ve finally found that time, rebuilt the intro sequence, and have finally recorded a demonstration of the improved essay features in Kookaburra. I hope you will love them as much as I do!

Check out Gold Chrome, by Seim Effects

Gold Chrome is the latest from Seim Effects, self-described as a “focus pack” of 14 Gold-Chrome presets for Capture One, Lightroom and Photoshop, plus a handful of modification presets. As usual, Gavin has done a great job with this set of styles; at least, I’m really liking them so far. For a limited time, the […]