Backlight and the Lightrooms

Adobe has announced new versions of Lightroom, and you may be wondering how or whether these releases impact Backlight, or other TTG products. Let’s first get up to speed with the most important bullet points. The existing Lightroom has been rebranded as Lightroom Classic. Lightroom Classic CC 7.0, direct sequel to Lightroom 6/CC2015, is now […]

Designing Event Pages in Backlight

One of Backlight’s most standout and powerful features is its designer. With Backlight, the pages of your website are not locked into a uniform design or theme. While you may want to adhere to a certain degree of thematic consistency, you are free to create unique designs for any page that might require its own […]

Backlight Update, New Theater Presentation

New updates are available for Backlight and the Theater Add-on. Backlight 1.2.2 Release 3 is well-described as a maintenance release. Details below. Meanwhile, the Theater Add-on introduces a new presentation type, Flexstrip! It’s a fun, slider-like presentation, with some elasticity in its animations. I think it’s quite fun for small-ish albums, and while feature-light in […]

Backlight Updates

New updates are available for Backlight and its add-ons. These generally qualify as maintenance releases, and address issues and bugs that have arisen in our forums since last release.