Backlight 3.0.3 Update

New updates are now available, bringing Backlight to version 3.0.3, and with corresponding updates also to the Cart, Galleria, Theater and WP Theme add-ons. As always, updating is easy! How-to: Installing Updates in Backlight Here’s what’s new! Backlight 3.0.3 Updates copy/move album selector to show hierarchy of album sets/albums Fixes misleading message on copy/move photos […]

Backlight 3 on the iPad Pro

In this video, I spend some time doing Backlight on an iPad Pro, for no other reason than to show you how very usable Backlight 3 is on the iPad Pro. If the iPad is your go-to device for photo processing, or if you’re on the go with the iPad, Backlight should fit nicely into […]

Backlight 3.0.1 Update

Our first update is now available for Backlight 3, including fixes, quality-of-life improvements, and feedback accumulated during launch. Changes below. Also, be sure to download the 5.0.1 version of the Publish Services plugin for Lightroom Classic, if you haven’t already done so. Is important! How-to: Installing Updates in Backlight. Backlight 3.0.1 Changes RSS feed titles […]

“Album Permalinks” in Backlight 3

Another day, another video. This time, we take a quick look at the new Album Permalinks feature in Backlight 3. This is really cool, as it allows you to simplify albums URLs that you might be sending to clients. This might be particularly relevant to wedding and portrait studio photographers, depending on how you organize […]