Upload Custom Images in Backlight 3.2

Backlight 3.2 is coming soon! In this video, I show off my favorite new feature in the upcoming update, how to upload custom images in Backlight’s publisher, for an album’s cover and hero images.

New Video: RSS Feeds in Backlight 3

This one was been a long time coming. I’ve dreaded recording it, but because I knew it would be long, and difficult, and kind of all over the place. I’m glad now it’s done, and I feel I was able to trace a mostly linear path through it. The video does clock in at a […]

Backlight 3 on the iPad Pro

In this video, I spend some time doing Backlight on an iPad Pro, for no other reason than to show you how very usable Backlight 3 is on the iPad Pro. If the iPad is your go-to device for photo processing, or if you’re on the go with the iPad, Backlight should fit nicely into […]