Update! Backlight 5.3.2

Backlight 5.3.2 is now available, and it’s pretty good, I gotta tell ya.

When viewing feedback received from the Client Response Add-on, both in admin or in email, image thumbnails will now be displayed alongside comments, making it easier to identify the images being discussed. There’s any option to disable thumbnails in emails if you have reason to do so.

Meanwhile, Backlight updates bring numerous improvements to the Kookaburra modules.

Previously, we found an edge case where attempting to use the new essay features in a hidden album would cause that albums images to vanish. THeY WeRe Too GooD aT HiDiNG!! Well, now they shouldn’t vanish any more.

Slideshow captions have at last, I think, achieved their final form. A handful of new customization options are available, and captions are now more capable of dealing with HTML appearing with metadata.

We have also normalized same under-the-hood naming of metadata values that was causing unexpected behavior. If this should cause metadata to disappear from your albums or essays, please try re-publishing your images (or just their metadata, if publishing from Lightroom).

Navigation menus have also been updated to behave themselves when menu items contain multi-language values, and adding several new customization options.

And that’s not all! But we’ll leave the rest for the change log.

Backlight 5.3.2

  • Kookaburra: Renames metadata outlets to be more consistent with Pangolin migrations, and existing infrastructure
  • Kookaburra Album & Essay: Improves handling of captions, and handling of albums in the essay presentation composer
  • Kookaburra Album & Essay: Adds description text for setting Photos rendition size
  • Kookaburra Page: Applies overflow: hidden to captions
  • Kookaburra Page: Updates drop-shadows on navigation drop-downs
  • Kookaburra Page: Improved slideshow captions, improved handling of HTML in slideshow captions, and added new slideshow caption options
  • Kookaburra Page: In horizontal navigation, primary items now support background-color alpha, and secondary items now support text-align
  • Kookaburra Page: Improves multi-language display styling for navigation
  • Kookaburra Page: In the essay presentation composer, handles album native images, even when the album is hidden

  • Adds check that ] is set prior to accessing it
  • Fixes issue with corrupting images when trying to write copyright information to generated renditions

Client Response Add-on 11.1.1

  • Adds support for thumbnails in feedback emails
  • Adds support for thumbnails when viewing responses in admin