Backlight 1 End-of-Life Update

Updates are today available for Backlight 1.

Backlight. One.



We intend these to be the final updates for Backlight 1 and its add-ons. End-of-life. Fin.

So, what do you need to know?

First thing, discount codes are still available for customers upgrading from Backlight 1 to Backlight 2. Email me to get your discount code.

If you’re wondering what’s new in Backlight 2, compared to Backlight 1, then you’re in luck. I’ve put together a big list of all the new additions and improvements in Backlight 2.

And, of course, Backlight 2 is here.

Now, let’s get into the updates for Backlight 1 …

Because updates to Backlight 1 are cumbersome and error prone, we recommend these updates only for Backlight 1 users who are experiencing compatibility issues due to updated servers, or those who have fallen well behind with updates. And honestly, if you’re putting in the time to do the update, then we recommend just doing the upgrade to Backlight 2 instead. It’s worth it.

That said, here’s what’s new in these updates for Backlight 1:

Backlight + Pages 1.2.3 => 1.2.4

  • Fixes compatibility issues with PHP 7.4
  • Consolidates all updates since 1.2.3 Release 1

Backlight 1.2.3 => 1.2.4

  • Fixes compatibility issues with PHP 7.4
  • Consolidates all updates since 1.2.3 Release 1

Backlight Add-on: Cart 4.1.6 => 4.1.7

  • Fixes compatibility issues with PHP 7.4

Backlight Add-on: Client Response 7.1.2 => 7.1.3

  • Fixes compatibility issues with PHP 7.4

Backlight Add-on: Theater 1.2.5 => 1.2.6

  • Fixes issue with some on/off settings in Designer

Backlight Add-on: WP Theme 1.2.5 => 1.2.6

  • Improves localization support for search input placeholder text
  • Replaces the_posts_navigation() with the_posts_pagination() in the blog/archive view

Now, for the cumbersome instructions:

To update from earlier versions of Backlight + Pages to Backlight + Pages 1.2.3 Release 1:

IMPORTANT: Do NOT replace the entire backlight directory! Doing so will remove ALL data and settings!

1. Remove and re-upload the following files and directories:

  • backlight/admin/
  • backlight/designer/
  • backlight/framework/
  • backlight/publisher/
  • backlight/modules/module-pages/
  • backlight/modules/okapi-core/
  • backlight/modules/pangolin-album/
  • backlight/modules/pangolin-album-set/
  • backlight/modules/pangolin-core/
  • backlight/modules/pangolin-page/
  • TTG-Publisher.lrplugin

2. Visit each of the Backlight, Designer and Publisher admin sections to allow Backlight to run any necessary database updates.

3. Clear the Designer Template Cache by visiting Backlight -> Designer -> Templates -> Clear Template Cache.

Phew. I’m exhausted now. Updating Backlight 2 is so easy …

If absolutely necessary, there may be subsequent patches for PHP 7.4 compatibility if we find any problems with what’s on offer here. But really, we hope not. And we will not be patching Backlight 1 further beyond this point. Not for future PHP versions, and not for any other reason.