CE4 Gallery, Client Response Gallery Updates

We have released updated versions of CE4 Gallery and CE4 Client Response Gallery. These updates address a potential security exploit in the download.php file handling image downloads. We are not aware of this exploit ever having been abused. In any case, all patched up now. And download.php is the only file changed in this update. […]

Update: CE4 Gallery 6.1.10

A rare update is today available for CE4 Gallery, version 6.1.10. This update improves the gallery’s Fotomoto support. Any user still clinging to CE4 and using Fotomoto’s services should download this update.

Fotomoto Now Supports Mobile

Happy Monday, folks. I am returned from my latest jaunt to Cambodia, the travel I hinted at in our last newsletter. I’m wading back into work, but presently still in the kiddie end of the swimming pool. While away, I received an email from one of my contacts at Fotomoto. He says they’ve updated the […]

Update: CE4 Stage 6.1.6

An update is now available for CE4 Stage, improving the Full-screen:Auto presentation, and adding a new “Cover” option, controlling whether images cover, fit or repeat.