Backlight 4 is now available

We are pleased to announce, Backlight 4 is available now! Here is everything you need to know about the new version, including how to upgrade. So, let’s get right to it. Purchasing Backlight 4 First and foremost, we’ve sent a newsletter version of this announcement to the TTG mailing list. That newsletter contains a special […]

Intro to Pangolin-Journal

In the first look video, we gave you a first peak at the new pangolin-journal monster coming with Backlight 4. This video offers a deeper dive, and introduces some core concepts to using the new module. It clocks in at just over 25 minutes, but you will hopefully find it informative.

A Backlight 3 Retrospective

Development is winding down on Backlight 4, and we’ll soon be into prerelease testing. That will be the topic of our next newsletter! Before we exhale, however, we first must inhale. And as we take this breath, let’s reflect upon the year we’ve spent with Backlight 3. It’s all too easy to lose perspective when […]

Video: My Publishing Workflow

A while back, I ripped up my personal website. I’ve recently been rebuilding, have been publishing a lot of new albums, and realized this is a prime opportunity for sharing how I use Backlight when publishing images out of Capture One Pro. I mean, I’m doing it anyway; why not make it a learning opportunity? I hope this sheds some light for someone.